Carla Seatzu, University of Cagliari, Italy
Cristian Mahulea, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Scope: Design methodologies and tools for the modeling and verification of manufacturing and process systems. Programmable logic control, process control, intelligent control, supervisory control. Synthesis and analysis techniques. Simulation, queueing systems, Petri nets. Performance Evaluation and reliability. Scheduling. Failure detection, diagnosis, and appropriate control strategies. Discrete, continuous and hybrid industrial automation systems. Integration of automation, control and supervision. Automated manufacturing systems and enterprise integration. Recent developments in standardization. Test cases, benchmarks, and tools. Concurrent and more efficient engineering.
Carla Seatzu received her Laurea degree in electrical engineering and her PhD degree in electronic engineering and computer science from the University of Cagliari, Italy, in 1996 and 2000, respectively. In 2002 she joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari as an assistant professor of Automatic Control. She currently serves as as associate professor of Automatic Control in the same department.
Carla Seatzu's research interests include discrete-event systems, hybrid systems, Petri nets, manufacturing systems, networked control systems, and control of mechanical systems. She has published over 170 papers and one textbook on these topics.
Carla Seatzu has served as General Co-Chair of the 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA2013). She was Chair of the National Organizing Committee of the 2nd IFAC Conf. on the Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS'06) and member of the International Program Committee of over 50 international conferences. She is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. She is associate editor of the Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE Control System Society and of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; she is chair of the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Factory Automation - Subcommittee on Industrial Automated Systems and Control.
Contact email address:
Cristian Mahulea received the B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in control engineering from the Technical University of Iasi, Romania, in 2001 and 2002, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in systems engineering from the University of Zaragoza, Spain, in 2007.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Spain. He has participated in the development and implementation of Petri Net Toolbox and SimHPN, two MATLAB softwares for simulation, analysis and synthesis of discrete-event systems modeled with Petri nets. He has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Cagliari, Italy, and a Visiting Researcher at the University of Sheffield, UK, and Boston University, MA, USA. His research interests include discrete event systems, hybrid systems, automated manufacturing, Petri nets, mobile robotics and healthcare systems.
Prof. Mahulea is currently an associate editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. He was several times track co-chair of track 4 "Automated Manufacturing Systems" at ETFA, co-chair of Work-In-Progress papers at ETFA'2013 and Program Committee co-chair of ETFA'2017.
Contact email address:
Francesco Basile | University of Salerno | Italy |
Riccardo Caponetto | University of Catania | Italy |
Christos G. Cassandras | Boston University | USA |
José-Manuel Colom | University of Zaragoza | Spain |
Bart De Schutter | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Mariagrazia Dotoli | Politecnico di Bari | Italy |
Martin Fabian | Chalmers University | Sweden |
Maria Pia Fanti | Polytechnic of Bari | Italy |
Cesare Fantuzzi | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | Italy |
Gregory Faraut | Lurpa - ENS Cachan | France |
Georg Frey | Saarland University | Germany |
Davide Giglio | University of Genova | Italy |
Stefan Haar | INRIA | France |
Christoforos Hadjocostis | University of Cyprus | Cyprus |
Laurent Hardouin | University of Angers | France |
Marina Indri | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |
Marius Kloetzer | Technical University of Iasi | Romania |
Stephane Lafortune | University of Michigan | USA |
Dimitri Lefebvre | Havre University | France |
Bengt Lennartson | Chalmers University | Sweden |
Jingshan Li | University of Wisconsin | USA |
Lingxi Li | Purdue School of Eng. and Technology | USA |
Andrea Matta | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
Christos Panayiotou | University of Cyprus | Cyprus |
Carsten Röcker | Fraunhofer App. Center Ind. Aut. | Germany |
Karen Rudie | Queen’s University | Canada |
Klaus Schmidt | Cankaya University | Turkey |
Shigemasa Takai | Osaka University | Japan |
Marcelo Teixeira | Federal Univ. of Technology Parana | Brasil |
Fernando Tricas | University of Zaragoza | Spain |
Ramon Vilanova Arbos | Universitat Autonoma Barcelona | Spain |
Antonio Visioli | University of Brescia | Italy |
Michael Weyrich | University of Stuttgart | Germany |
Armin Zimmermann | Technische Universität Ilmenau | Germany |
Alois Zoitl | Fortiss GmbH | Germany |