FA8: In-Vehicle Embedded Systems

Chair: Nicolas Navet, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Scope: X-by-Wire, Architecture description language,  Performance evaluation and timing analysis, Dependability, Fault-tolerant services, Safety, Networks: TTP/C, FlexRay, TTCAN, CAN, VAN, J1850 , LIN, MOST, IDB-1394; Operating systems.


Nicolas Navet is an associate professor at the University of Luxembourg since May 2012 (CSC Research Unit - Lassy Laboratory), where he is the course director of the Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (BINFO). He was a researcher at INRIA (LORIA Lab, France) from 2000 to 2012 and head of the TRIO team (Real-Time and Interoperability). Before joining INRIA, he was with the Gemplus Research Labs working on operating systems for smartcards.
His research interests include real-time and embedded systems, communication protocols, fault tolerance and dependability assessment. Since the mid-90s, he has worked on numerous projects with OEMs and suppliers in the automotive and avionics domains. He was the chair of several international conferences and has served in the program committee of 100+ conferences and workshops. He is the founder of RealTime-at-Work, a company that helps OEMs build provably safe and optimized critical systems.

Contact email address: nicolas.navet@uni.lu



Marc Boyer ONERA France
Lucia Lo Bello University of Catania Italy
Wilfried Steiner TTTech Computertechnik AG Austria
Haibo Zeng VirginiaTech USA